
DPN Feniks


Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Direktorat za prostor; Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo; Javna agencija RS za podjetništvo in tuje investicije


March, 2012

Project leader

Aleš Mlakar (Prostorsko načrtovanje Aleš Mlakar s.p.)

Project group

Janja Solomun, Jakob Klemenčič, Mery Lončar, Jure Zavrtanik, Nika Cigoj (Prostorsko načrtovanje Aleš Mlakar s.p.), Irena Krapež, Tomaž Blaž, Matjaž Grabljevec, Marko Fatur, Boris Klavžar

Project location

Cerklje ob Krki

Assignment type



104 ha

Year of start of the project


Role of LUZ on the project

izdelava DPN


Prostorsko načrtovanje Aleš Mlakar s.p., CRP Inženiring - trgovina d.o.o., Brežice, Valvasorjev raziskovalni center Krško, Ekonomski inštitut Pravne Fakultete, SŽ - Projektivno podjetje Ljubljana d.d., Savaprojekt d.d. Krško, FDV

External collaborators

Sl consult, d.o.o. (Investicijska dokumentacija), AQUARIUS d.o.o. Ljubljana (Okoljsko poročilo za celovito presojo vplivov na okolje), Pristop d.o.o. (promocija projekta), FGG (inženiring)

Phoenix Development area occupies 104 hectares north of existing airport Cerklje in the municipalities of Krško and Brežice and is primarily designed for carrying out activities related to the transportation, logistics, production and distribution of goods. The area is the center of the economic program divided into several substantive units, complemented to each other.


Logistics center unit represent the core of the economic center of Phoenix, available for logistics and production activities. Business district unit Skopice represent the connecting axis between production and logistic activities, available for business and diverse services. Technology development park unit with a link to the logistic and business districts allows a combination of manufacturing and logistics operations and direct connection to the technological and business activities. Activities are intended for the development of advanced technology and can cover different areas of research and development, IT support, employment support and access to expertise in marketing. Airport unit enables development area to airborne connections and is located between existing airport platforms and the central part of the development area. Activities in the unit are directly related to the operation of passenger and cargo airport terminal. Airport platform is designed for deploying civilian aircraft and cargo aviation.


Development area is internally connected through flexibly designed internal transport network, which is linked to highway exit provided Skopice. The green space establishes a modern working environment. Existing alluvial flat forest is embedded in business activities and enables regulation of walking and cycling trails. Separating vegetation strips are provided along the highway and along the edge of the area towards Skopice. Nature preservation area in the western part of the development area includes existing natural habitat, which has been developed within the abandoned gravel pit.